The referral services on government programs and support resources, and market information services for future entrepreneurs and small businesses are now delivered directly by Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions' Business Information Services.
Content on this site is no longer updated.
Free online resources
Consult our guides and our free resources to help you understand intellectual property and protect your company’s innovations.
Finance a patent, a license or a new technology
You could receive financial support to get a patent or a license, or apply a new technology.
Canadian Intellectual Property Office
Learn about, search or apply for registration for copyright for literary, artistic, dramatic and musical creations.
Canadian Intellectual Property Office<
Learn about, search or apply for the registration or renewal of a trademark to distinctly identify your business and protect your intellectual property in Canada and abroad.
Integrated Circuit Topographies
Canadian Intellectual Property Office
Learn about or apply for registration for your integrated circuit topographies.
Patent Prosecution Highway
Canadian Intellectual Property Office
Fast-track your patent application in a participating country once another participating country's IP office has approved your claim.
NUANS Corporate name search
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
Compare your proposed business name to the names of existing businesses to see if it is unique.
Canadian Intellectual Property Office
Learn about, search for or apply for registration of a patent, which gives you exclusive rights over products and processes that you invent.
Industrial Designs
Canadian Intellectual Property Office
Learn about and search for industrial designs or apply for registration to protect the original visual features of a product.
Society of Composers, Authors and Music Publishers of Canada (SOCAN)
- 33 Milton Street, Suite 500
- Montréal, Québec
- H2X 1V1
Visit the website
Services offered:
Licensing - Rights management - International royalties - Promotion and defense of its members' rights
Copibec - Société québécoise de gestion collective des droits de reproduction
- 550, Sherbrooke West, Suite 510
- Montréal, Québec
- H3A 1B9
Visit the website
Services offered:
Copyright management
Access Copyright
- 69 Yonge Street, Suite 1100
- Toronto, Ontario
- M5E 1K3
Visit the website
Services offered:
Pre-cleared permission to use copyright-protected content
Lavery Go inc.
Visit the website
Services offered:
Legal support program for startups
Quebec Law Network
- 75, Des Châteaux Blvd., Suite 102
- Blainville, Québec
- J7B 2A4
Visit the website
Services offered:
Consulting services - Legal documents - Lawyer directory - Telephone consultations with a lawyer - Legal store
National Research Council Canada
- 1200 Montreal Road, Building M-58
- Ottawa, Ontario
- K1A 0R6
Visit the website
Services offered:
Support for technology innovation - Research and development - Certifications, evaluations and standards - Areas of research - Challenge programs - Open calls for proposals - Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP) - EUREKA!
Young Bar Association of Montreal - Legal consults for businesses
- 445 Saint-Laurent Boulevard, Suite RC-03
- Montréal, Québec
- H2Y 3T8
Visit the website
Services offered:
Copyright - Consulting services - Intellectual property - Regulations
Canadian Intellectual Property Office
Visit the website
Services offered:
Patents - Copyright - Trademarks - Intellectual property
Top 5 IP considerations for entrepreneurs
Learn how IP rights can protect your inventions and creations and help you obtain exclusive rights in the marketplace.
Product licensing
Discover the advantages and disadvantages of obtaining a license from a company to manufacture and sell one or more of its products.
What's in a name? Using trademarks as a business tool
A trademark helps identify your company and your products. Find out how to use a trademark to protect your business name.
IP Academy
CIPO offers online educational resources including seminars, an IP management webinar series, a self-assessment tool and an interactive guide to help you develop your IP strategy, and more.
Plan your IP strategy
Establishing a plan to manage your IP assets (patents, trademarks, copyrights, trade secrets or industrial designs) can give you a competitive edge in the marketplace and ensure sustainable growth.
IP Toolbox
Discover the different intellectual property (IP) rights that can turn your ideas into successful businesses by differentiating you from your competitors.
A guide to copyright
This guide explains what copyright is, the process of registering a copyright in Canada and the benefits of registration.
IP foundations series
Each training module teaches you how to create, develop, monetise and strategically exploit intellectual property assets in a competitive marketplace.
Tutorial — Your patent application
If you are thinking about writing a patent application, use this tutorial to help you prepare one that meets the strict requirements for filing.
Trademarks Database Tutorial
Find out the about the benefits of using the Canadian Trademarks Database and how to search it.
Innovate in products and services
Follow the 10 essential steps in the innovation process to design and implement a clear plan to successfully launch your products on the market.