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Business transfers: an issue for the future of Quebec

Tuesday, June 3, 2014 from noon to 2 p.m.

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Montréal Marriott Chateau Champlain
1050 de la Gauchetière Street West
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Quebec is in danger of losing thousands of businesses. This will be a growing trend in the coming years, as 30% of business owners are planning to retire in the next ten years, and half of them have no plans to sell or pass on their business.

In light of these facts, the Board of Trade and the Fonds de solidarité FTQ have joined forces to establish the RDV Relève inc.TM.


  • Hear Mr. Gaétan Morin, Executive Vice-President, Corporate Development and Investments, at the Fonds de solidarité FTQ, present the highlights of a study that provides a portrait of the situation in Montréal and throughout Quebec.
  • Assess the economic and social costs of failing to transfer a business.
  • Get inspired by a business transfer success stories: Danièle Henkel, of Danièle Henkel Inc., and Nathalie Légaré, of Location Jean Légaré, will be part of a panel with Éric Dufour, Partner, Strategic and Performance Consulting and national leader for entrepreneurial succession at Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton.


  • The importance of entrepreneurial succession for the prosperity of Quebec and its metropolis.
  • The challenges and factors for success associated with business transfers.
  • Solutions to help support business assignors and successors in the transfer process.

Entrepreneurial succession and business transfers: a major issue for Quebec and its metropolis!


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  • By phone 514 871-4001

For more information

Josianne Isabel
Advisor, Entrepreneurship development
514 496-4636, ext. 2017


CCMM - Photo Gaetan Morin Gaétan Morin
President and Chief Executive Officer Fonds de solidarité FTQ See biography >

Gaétan Morin has been President and Chief Executive Officer of the Fonds de solidarité FTQ since 2014. A member of the Fonds team since 1989, Mr. Morin held a variety of roles in the organization before becoming president, including Executive Vice-President, Corporate Development and Investment, Senior Vice-President, Natural Resources and Consumer Goods, Investment Director, Portfolio Manager and Financial Adviser.

Before joining the Fonds, Mr. Morin worked in business financing for various securities brokers, including Pemberton Securities and Saumier Morrisson et associés. Prior to this, he served as Project Manager for a number of mining companies and for the Ministère des Ressources naturelles du Québec.

Gaétan Morin sits on the boards of the Fonds de solidarité FTQ, SSQ Financial Group, the Fondation de l’entrepreneurship and the Cercle des présidents du Québec.

He holds a bachelor’s degree in finance and geology, as well as a master’s degree in economic geology from the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). In 2005, he was awarded the Prix Mérite Ressources by the Ordre des géologues du Québec.


Danièle Henkel
President Henkel média Founder Daniele Henkel Inc. See biography >

Irrefutable figure of Quebec entrepreneurship, Danièle Henkel is endowed with an incomparable determination and perseverance. As a citizen of the world, she is, as illustrated by Anne Hildalgo who in 2017 bestowed her with the medal of the knight of the National Order of merit of France, “the uniqueness in the universal.”

Born in Morocco, to a Moroccan Jewish mother and a German Catholic father, Danièle Henkel grows up in North Africa. After studying international relations, she served ten years as the political and economic advisor to the U.S. Embassy in Algeria. The rise of extremism led her to settle in Quebec in 1990 with her mother, husband and four children. Six years later, while trying to make ends, Danièle Henkel decides to become an entrepreneur. Daniele Henkel Enterprises started with a simple exfoliation product: the Renaissance™ Glove. Today, it is the best-selling product of its category in Canada and around the world.

Her sense of duty, her humanity, her creativity, and her love for education are driving forces in everything she does. These values have led her to the success of her Academy™, whose mission is to upgrade the skills of professionals in the medical-aesthetic world. In addition, in 2015, Daniele Henkel conceived a unique partnership between high-end skincare franchises and the Uniprix chain of pharmacies.

The businesswoman charmed the audience through Dans l’oeil du Dragon aired on ICI Radio-Canada Télé. She also lends her voice to various causes in commitment to organizations such as Leucan, la Société canadienne de sclérose en plaques, la Fondation Émergence, la Maison Bleue and the Quebec Breast Cancer Foundation, among the most notable.

From 2015 to 2018, one of her proudest accomplishments has been her presidency at the board of directors of the Société du parc Jean-Drapeau. She brilliantly fulfilled her mandates, including bringing together partners, improving governance, reinventing parc Jean-Drapeau, as well as carrying out important work while balancing the financial health of the organization.

In 2018, she is named the Government of Canada’s Champion of the We-Fi initiative, a World Bank program that aims to promote the financial independence of women entrepreneurs in developing countries. She was also named a member of the advisory board of FinDev Canada. In 2019, the honorable Mary Ng entrusts her with the co-chair of a committee of national experts to find ideas to increase the number of women entrepreneurs in Canada. Additionally, since 2018 Danièle Henkel has also been a member of the Advisory Board of Investissement Quebec. Also in 2018, she founded Henkel Media, a digital media platform whose mission is the empowerment of entrepreneurs, especially those under-represented.

As an integral part of diversity, Daniele Henkel has made inequalities her spearhead. In 2020, she co-creates the “Programme de certification en leadership inclusif et participatif" in partnership with Infopresse. It is because Danièle Henkel has dealt successfully with sensitive subjects touching upon freedom and inclusion that Mélanie Paul, an Aboriginal entrepreneur, wished to make Danièle her mentor. In 2021, the two women joined forces to set up the “Cercle Mocassins et Talons Hauts”, an incubator that creates alliances between non-indigenous and indigenous businesses. This initiative is committed to the growth of communities that are too often underestimated, marginalized or simply forgotten.


Éric Dufour Éric Dufour
Partner, Strategic & Performance Consulting and National Leader for entrepreneurial succession Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton See biography >

Éric Dufour, CPA, CA, Partner, is Head of the Strategy and Performance Consulting Group at Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton. He is also the National Leader of Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton’s entrepreneurial succession division in Quebec.

Nationally recognized as a business succession and change management expert, Éric focuses on Quebec SME succession issues. He has developed a unique integrated approach that has been proven in practice time and again. This approach is based on the human and strategic aspects surrounding every business transfer.

He is an author and trainer certified by the Ministère des Finances for three types of business best practice training. Invited to give several other conferences on the subject in various forums, he has spoken to some 3,000 people across Quebec who were directly affected by business transfers.  

Furthermore, Éric was a special succession consultant delegate in a trade mission to France, and was awarded the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Medal in recognition of his contribution to the entrepreneurial revival.

Éric is actively involved in his region where he was President of the Chambre de commerce de Saguenay between 2010 and 2013 and continues to be involved with the Fédération des chambres de commerce du Québec.

As a forward-looking professional who encourages a multidisciplinary approach, Éric creates trusting relationships with his clients thanks to his experience and focus on respect and active listening.


Nathalie Légaré Nathalie Légaré
President Location Jean Légaré

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RDV Relève inc. is a trademark of the Fonds de solidarité FTQ.

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Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montréal Fonds de Solidarité

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