The referral services on government programs and support resources, and market information services for future entrepreneurs and small businesses are now delivered directly by Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions' Business Information Services.
Content on this site is no longer updated.
Free online resources
Explore these free resources to quickly find information on current permits, licences and regulations related to the operation of a business in Quebec.
New farm establishments (in French only)
Do you want to start an agriculture and agri-food business in Quebec? Access a wide range of information to help you with your business project.
Permits and licences (BizPal)
Use this tool to find federal, provincial/territorial and municipal permits and licences that you may need to start your business.
Business registration online
Register for a business number, GST/HST, corporation income tax, payroll and import/export accounts in one convenient online location.
ATA Carnet — A Passport for goods
Simplify customs procedures for the temporary and duty-free admission of your commercial samples, professional equipment, and goods for use at events.
Becoming a registered charity for community economic development
Your social enterprise may be eligible for charitable status, making your earned income tax exempt. See how your social enterprise may qualify.
Employer responsibilities — The payroll steps
As an employer, you must follow a number of steps for managing your employees' payroll. Understand your obligations.
Registration with the Commission des normes, de l'équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (in French only)
You are required to register with the CNESST if you have paid employees and your business is located in Quebec.
La Zone entreprise (in French only)
Take advantage of this secure space to access Government of Québec services online, to change your address and to meet your obligations.
Normes du travail du Québec
If you are an employer, you must familiarize yourself with and comply with Quebec labour standards and the acts and regulations governing them.
Association d'Isolation du Québec (AIQ)
- 4099 Saint-Jean-Baptiste Boulevard
- Montreal, Québec
- H1B 5V3
Services offered:
Coaching - Growth - Satrt-up - Business plan - Training - Managing - Mentoring - Cross-referral - Business plan - Networking - Consulting services - Equiped utilities
First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Economic Development Commission (FNQLEDC)
- 265 Place Chef Michel Laveau, suite 200
- Wendake, Québec
- G0A 4V0
Visit the website
Services offered:
Coaching - Growth - Startup - Sustainable development - Busines plan - Training - Managing - Marketing and sales - Mentoring - Business plan - Networking
Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)
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Services offered:
Domestic and import permits - Food safety (Food inspection) - Animal health - Plant protection - International market access
Competition Bureau Canada
- 50 Victoria Street, Room C-114
- Gatineau, Québec
- K1A 0C9
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Services offered:
CA Identification Number - Enforcement of the law that protects competition
Standards Council of Canada (SCC)
- 55 Metcalfe Street, Suite 600
- Ottawa, Ontario
- K1P 6L5
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Services offered:
Accreditation programs - Standards development - Conformity assessment - Consulting services - Training
Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB)
- 140 O’Connor Street, L’Esplanade Laurier, 6th Floor, East Tower
- Gatineau, Québec
- K1A 0R5
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Services offered:
Standards development - Certification and qualification programs - Management systems programs - Federal government procurement and materiel management community certification program
Natural Resources Canada
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Services offered:
Coaching - Financing - Consulting Services
Services aux Autochtones Canada
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Services offered:
Coaching - Financing - Consulting Services
Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CNESST)
- 500 René-Lévesque Blvd. West
- Montréal, Québec
- H2Z 2A5
Services offered:
Employers' rights and obligations - Pay equity
Ministère de l’Énergie et des Ressources naturelles
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Services offered:
Coaching - Financing - Consulting Services - Authorizations and permits
Office de la protection du consommateur
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Services offered:
Operating permits and certificates - Rights and obligations
Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux
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Services offered:
Laws and regulations - Forms and publications - Permits and licences
Tourisme Québec
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Services offered:
Classification certificate - Financing - Laws and regulations
Association de la construction du Québec
- 9200, Métropolitain boulevard East
- Montreal, Québec
- H1K 4L2
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Services offered:
Coaching - Growth - Start-up - Sustainable Development - Training - Management - Mentoring - Networking - Consulting Services - RBQ License Training - Technical services
GS1 Canada
- 9200 du Golf Bldv.
- Anjou, Montréal
- H1J 3A1
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Services offered:
Implementation of e-commerce supply chain standards (Bar Codes - Products images)
Bureau de normalisation du Québec (BNQ)
- 1201 Crémazie Blvd. East, Suite 1.210
- Montréal, Québec
- H2M 0A6
Visit the website
Services offered:
Standards development - Certification - Laboratory assessment - Verification of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions claims - Verification of claims (AGRO-COM) - Water Treatment Technology Validation - ASI standards
Réseau Environnement
- 295 Place d’Youville
- Montreal, Québec
- H2Y 2B5
Services offered:
Regroupement de spécialistes en environnement du Québec- Sustainable development - Training - Networking - R&D and innovation - Representation to various authorities - Programs of excellence - Regional committees
Granby Industrial - Industrial Incubator (CITIG)
- 1300 Industriel Blvd.
- Granby, Québec
- J2J 0E5
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Services offered:
Coaching for industrial business - Industrial incubator - Facilities and lands search - Financing - Recruitment - Eco-responsible certification - Circular economy
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Services offered:
Help in identifying a promising technology, setting up a company, negotiating a license and seeking financing
Service Canada
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Services offered:
Employment insurance - Hiring programs - Federal labour standards - Laws and regulations
Québec courthouses
Visit the website
Services offered:
Laws and regulations - Mediation - Registries - Vary depending on the courthouse
Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec (MAPAQ)
Services offered:
Financing - Sustainable development - R&D and innovation - Permits - Agri-environment - Agrotourism - Farm registration - Mandatory health and safety training - Food inspection - Animal health - Agricultural property taxes
Office des professions du Québec
- 800 Place D’Youville, 10th Floor
- Québec, Québec
- G1R 5Z3
Services offered:
Registration - Regulations